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Three months ago, testing was underway for what was believed to be an outbreak of pneumonia in Eastern Asia. Three months later, our Peninsula has one of the highest concentrations of COVID-19 cases in Virginia.

We are at risk in two ways. The first is the immediate, our slowing economy and health concerns. But this is all temporary, which is the second risk. After the day of diminishing cases and distancing, our city will need to respond with a systemic investment in our local ecosystem.

Our city’s General Fund is set aside to provide nonrecurring expenditures and emergency response. If there is ever a time to respond, it is in these coming months of uncertainty. The City Council should pause capital purchases and utilize this fund for economic relief in local business subsidies or further assistance purchases.

We cannot look at Williamsburg as a separate place, with different residential, student and tourist factions. We will need a City Council that is reflective of all generations of our population.

We need to find fresh solutions. With a job in this community and trusted to be your city councilman, I will welcome a constant scrutiny on how we are planning to protect our area. I invite you to start now at

I see the strength of this community daily. We shouldn’t fear uncertainty, because it is together that we have the potential to rebound with strength.

Caleb Rogers
